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Chat With Bot

This guide will walk you through the process of chatting with a bot using Dialoqbase API.

const chat = await, {
    message: "Hello tell me a joke",
    stream: true,
    history: []

for await (const message of chat) {
const chat = await, {
    message: "Hello tell me a joke",
    stream: false,
    history: []

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"message": "Hello tell me a joke", "stream": false, "history": []}' http://localhost:3000/api/v1/bot/${botId}/chat

Supported Schema

  • message: The message to be sent to the bot.
  • stream: (Optional) If set to true, the chat will be streamed. If set to false, the chat will be returned as a single response.
  • history: (Optional) The chat history.


  • bot: The response from the bot.
    • text: The response text from the bot.
    • sourceDocuments: The source documents used by the bot to generate the response.
      • pageContent: The content of the page.
      • metadata: The metadata of the source document.
      • source: The source of the document.
      • content: The content of the source document.
  • history: The chat history.

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